Letter from the Founder: This Is Your Year
Welcome to a New Year! You now have 365 blank boxes on your calendar. How will you fill those days? What will you choose to pursue this year? Here’s a suggestion: willfully work on your walk with Christ.
Think about it, why would you want to solely leave your faith in the hands of someone else? Growing closer to Christ should be intentional in your mind, sincere in your heart, and divinely ordered in your steps.
This can be your year for a spiritual breakthrough, whether you are reading this on January 1st or watching it on December 1st. This can be the month you lead another soul to The Lord. This can be the week you make a stronger commitment to grow your faith and be a better disciple.
As the year comes to an end, you can be closer to the Lord than you have ever been. You can have more joy, purpose, and peace in your life. But none of this will happen by accident. You will not receive a more dynamic spiritual walk unless you choose to intentionally take the first step, make the commitment, and hold yourself accountable.
It's your time. This can be your year to do more and be more for Christ. PraiseOn will be here for you every week to challenge and encourage you.
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